Supercharge Policies and Procedures

Policies and procedures

Supercharge Saturday Group Fitness Classes Policies and Procedures

Payment: A monthly membership fee will be charged on the day of purchase and every month following on the same month’s date by automatic credit/debit card withdrawal. Monthly membership for one individual is $55. Monthly membership for families is $75 per household. Childcare is not provided.

Monthly Membership Agreement: Sessions are non-transferable and non-refundable. Membership is a flat monthly fee. Client/Member participants may choose to attend as many Saturdays in the month but will not be prorated for Saturdays they do not attend. Holidays and canceled classes due to inclement weather or gym unavailability are also not prorated.

Class Location: Sessions will be held in the gym at Bridgeway Church Denver located at 5201 E. Warren Ave. Denver, CO 80222. There may be times when the Bridgeway Church gym is unavailable due to a church conference, etc. In that case, class will be canceled. When there is a 5th Saturday in the month, we may choose to do a physical activity outing elsewhere. This will be determined by vote at the previous Saturday’s class.

Confidentiality: The Client/Member participant agrees that any and all information and materials related to Super Charge Saturday Group Fitness Classes, handouts, and other information are proprietary to Sozo Health and Fitness and will not be distributed, reproduced, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods.

Non-Payment: An automatic credit/debit card payment that fails will result in the forfeiting of your membership until payment is received.

Cancellations: Client/Member participants must give 30 days’ notice to cancel membership. Failure to give 30 days’ notice will result in being billed the following month.

Tardiness: Client/Member participants who are late to the allotted class start time will forfeit that time. Exercise class times are 45 minutes and will not be extended past the agreed-upon time frame as a result of tardiness.

I understand that a facsimile, electronic, pdf or DocuSigned signature will have the same force and effect as an original.

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