Behavior Change Coaching
An all-encompassing approach to wellness: Mind, body, spirit wholeness
Our behavior change coaching works under the framework of positive unconditional regard which means we believe that clients have the capacity to grow and find within themselves the answers they need to meet challenges along the way to goal achievement.
Our function is to support and partner with clients in thought-provoking and creative processes that inspire them to maximize their personal and professional potential. We do this by using scientifically validated screening and intervention techniques in a guided self-help process in order to progress clients to results.
We help clients to develop self-awareness with regard to current belief systems and therefore ways of behaving that are not serving them positively in life and limiting their ability to create betterment, solutions and positive outcomes in their lives. We work with clients to aid them in setting realistic and attainable goals, guiding them in making appropriate choices in order to meet those goals, while monitoring their progress and providing useful feedback for further self-development and growth.
Sozo in the Greek means “to save, deliver, protect from, to heal, preserve, do well, or to be made whole.” Our heart’s desire is that every client pursuing health and wellness in mind, body and spirit is well equipped with the tools, knowledge and understanding needed in order to attain abundant life and wholeness.
“Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well.” ~ 3 John 1:2